
Monday, April 25, 2022

It's been ages...

  Good morning! Thanks so much for stopping by! First, let me say please excuse my blog. It's in desperate need of a complete facelift. I didn't realize blogging was still a thing so it still looks the same as when I stepped away from crafting 6 years ago. (That will be a headache for another day) Recently circumstances have changed so I find myself with more free time and the creative bug has been nipping. When I was finally able to recover my FB account and log back in I came across the current sketch challenge at Let's Get Sketchy. I figured what better way to jump back in than to join the challenge at one of the first sites I used to play along on, then later design for. Sort of like going back to the roots. Brenshevia's sketches always seem to inspire me. So I grabbed my one small box of supplies that didn't make it to storage, blew the dust off and got to work. I admit I'm extremely rusty, but this is the layout I created based off the sketch. 



It's fairly simple and not a lot of details, however I'm pretty happy with it considering. I'll have to make a trip to storage and bring my supplies home. I do truly miss scrapping. Here are a few close ups.



And here is the wonderful sketch from Let's Get Sketchy! that inspired me to get started again. Hopefully it can inspire you as well.

Thanks again for stopping by! hopefully I will post again soon with a new creation. Hope you have a wonderful week!